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Mastering Your First 90 Days in Your New Job

Starting a new job can feel a lot like the first day of school. There’s the mix of excitement and nerves, the desire to make a good first impression, and, of course, the hope that you’ll fit in and find your place. At PSi, we not only help you land your dream job but also want to guide you through making those early days, weeks, and months as rewarding as possible. After all, how you start can often shape your journey ahead.

Remember – every expert was once a beginner.

Why the First 90 Days Matter

Your first 90 days in a new job are crucial. It’s your honeymoon period where everything you do sets the tone for your future in the company. Impressions are formed quickly, and expectations are established. It’s not just about proving you were the right hire; it’s about laying the groundwork for your success and growth.

Your Strategy for Success

Navigating your initial months with a plan can transform a daunting experience into an empowering journey.

Set Personal Goals

We once worked with a candidate who wrote down what I wanted to achieve in the first 30, 60, and 90 days of their new job. Not just work-related objectives, but also how they wanted to grow personally and blend into the company culture. Setting these targets gave them clarity and a sense of purpose as the stepped through the doors of their new workplace.

Be a Sponge

There was another candidate who, on their first day in a new job, brought a notebook titled “Learning Curve.” they made it a mission to jot down everything – from names and roles to tips on using the coffee machine. It’s incredible how such a simple act can help you quickly absorb and adapt to your new environment. Plus, it showed their colleagues that they were committed to learning; they were there to contribute and grow.

Embrace the Journey

Starting a new job is an adventure, a step forward in your career path. It’s a time filled with opportunities to learn, challenges to overcome, and relationships to build. At PSi, we’re here to walk this path with you, ensuring your transition into your new role is as smooth and successful as possible. Remember, it’s not just about fitting into a new job; it’s about making that position your own and paving the way for your future.

new job

Week One: Making a Positive Impression in Your New Job

Getting off to a good start in your new role is about more than just showing up. It’s about coming prepared, brimming with enthusiasm, and engaging actively with your new team.

First Day Essentials

Here’s a story from one of our candidates “On my very first day at a marketing firm, I made sure to arrive early and dressed according to the company’s dress code—which I had asked about before my start date. My manager later mentioned how this small act of diligence made a positive impression right from the start.”

  • Arrive early: Show your eagerness to get started.
  • Dress appropriately: Align with company culture and dress code.
  • Be prepared: Carry a notebook and pen (or the digital equivalent), and have a few questions ready about your new role and team.

Active Engagement

It’s crucial to immerse yourself in the environment. Ask questions, remember names, and participate in any meetings during the first week. Show you’re attentive and eager to contribute.

Learn the Ropes

Dedicate your first week to understanding the workflows and social norms of your new workplace. Who are the go-to people for specific information? What systems are in place? Start integrating into the team by understanding how and where you fit in.

First Month Milestones in Your New Job

After the initial whirlwind of the first week, the rest of your first month should be focused on building a strong foundation for your continued success.

Establish Routine and Goals

Here’s another example from one of our candidates – “In the initial weeks, I worked closely with my manager to map out my key responsibilities and short-term goals. This early alignment reduced any confusion and allowed me to contribute effectively.

  • Set a daily schedule: Establish a routine that lets you manage time effectively.
  • Clarify goals with your manager: Ensure you understand what’s expected of you and how it aligns with the team’s objectives.

Seek Feedback Actively

Don’t wait for the first formal review to find out how you’re doing. Requesting feedback demonstrates your initiative and commitment to growth. Use the insights to adjust and improve.

Build Relationships

Invest time in getting to know your colleagues. Offer help and learn about their projects. Lunches, coffee breaks, and team outings can be great opportunities to connect on both professional and personal levels.

End of Second Month: Evaluate and Expand

By now, you should be feeling more settled and confident in your role. It’s time to start looking beyond your immediate responsibilities.


Review what you’ve accomplished and where you’ve faced challenges.

  • Reflect on your progress and any areas for improvement: Be honest and objective.

Expand Your Network

Branch out to other teams and departments. Interacting with diverse groups within the company can provide new insights and opportunities for collaboration.

Volunteer for Projects

Taking on additional projects can show your enthusiasm and commitment to the company. It also helps develop new skills and can make you a more versatile member of the team.

team work

Completing the First 90 Days of Your New Job

You’ve almost reached the end of your initial milestones. Now, it’s about consolidating what you’ve learned and setting the stage for future growth.

Review Goals with Manager

Have a formal review with your manager to discuss your performance and future goals. This meeting can guide your next steps and further cement your role within the team.

Establish Long-term Objectives

Based on your experiences, reevaluate and set goals for the next quarter or year. This shows foresight and ambition, qualities that are highly valued in any professional setting.

Celebrate Achievements

Recognise the successes no matter how small. Completing your first 90 days is an achievement in itself. Celebrating these milestones boosts morale and motivates for future challenges.

Additional Tips for Continuous Success in Your New Job

  • Stay proactive: Keep looking for ways to learn new skills and improve your workflow.
  • Maintain relationships: The connections you build during these first 90 days are valuable. Keep nurturing them.
  • Stay aligned with company goals: Regularly revisit the company’s objectives and align your efforts accordingly.

Our Closing Thoughts

The first 90 days can set the stage for a fulfilling and successful career. By engaging actively, setting clear goals, and continuously adapting, you ready yourself for long-term success in your new role. Remember, every day is a learning opportunity—embrace it fully!

Whether it’s your first job or your fifth, each new role offers a fresh start and new challenges to conquer. At PSi, we’re here every step of the way. Get in touch with our team today.

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