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recruitment partner

Are You Stuck Under A Mountain Of CV’s?

CV’s, no matter what job you are hiring, it’s likely you could receive more CV’s than ever!

News of redundancies, companies closing, job uncertainly – all of this is creating many more applications to advertised jobs.

You may think that this means that all you have to do is advertise a role and you’re done. But the recruitment process is now taking longer than ever before due to the sheer volume of CV’s
There’s a tendency in the current market for many companies to move away from their recruitment partner and attempt to source all roles directly. However, doing it properly is very time consuming.  We just make it look easy!

But, there’s also another important factor to consider.  What about those people who are not likely to apply for a role, BUT could very well be interested in your opportunity.  We call these passive candidates and sometimes these are the superstars you need!  And we are the best people to find them for you.

technical recruiter

Here’s 3 reasons to use us:

PROBLEM: Some of the best candidates are still working and not actively applying to job adverts.

SOLUTION: We have a dedicated database of professionals, and we can approach them for you: AT THIS POINT, NO COST.

PROBLEM: Sifting through CVs is a long and tiresome task, taking you away from your day job.

SOLUTION: We will provide a shortlist of the best candidates who have been pre-interviewed for your role: AT THIS POINT NO COST.

PROBLEM: If your candidate is offered and then leaves, you are back at square one!  

SOLUTION:We only charge if you decide to hire our candidate. Even then we protect you for 12 weeks and will provide a FREE REPLACEMENT if our candidates leaves or doesn’t work out.

Do you have a vacancy you want filling and just don’t have the time to do it yourself, contact one of our expert consultants today.

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