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How to Create the Perfect LinkedIn Profile

The world of recruitment is changing rapidly. More and more, consultants are turning to LinkedIn to secure the best candidates. So whether you’re actively looking for a new job, or not, your LinkedIn profile matters!

LinkedIn has more than 600 million users worldwide. It’s your online presence when it comes to business. Therefore, no profile equals no presence!  Having a completed profile on LinkedIn also means that you are more likely to be headhunted.  And whether you are actively looking for work or are just curious, having a presence on LinkedIn may mean that you get to hear about unique opportunities that are not necessarily available on the open market.  A LinkedIn profile will help potential employers and recruiters like us see your experience at a glance.

Here’s our top tips when it comes to making the most of your LinkedIn profile.  Because sometimes a poor profile can be worse than no profile at all.

Your LinkedIn profile needs a professional picture

A profile picture is your chance to create a first impression. Considering that first impression is likely a recruiter or a hiring manager, we recommend keeping it professional. Nights out, holidays or pets – keep those to Facebook. If you are camera shy and don’t want a traditional ‘head shot’ there are other ways of keeping it professional.  Look at your colleagues and your peers.  Anything there that you’d feel more comfortable with?

TOP TIP – If you don’t include a profile picture, think what that says about you.  Does it say that you don’t finish a job properly?  Make sure that you stand out for the right reasons.


Get your headline and summary perfected

When you are searching on LinkedIn, the first thing you see is a thumbnail image and a headline. TOP TIP – the headline does not have to be just your job title!  Whilst this is the default setting on, you have 120 characters, so you can be as creative as you want to be.  You can even use emoji’s – they certainly help you to stand out but keep it professional. Think about what your job achieves and that’s your headline right there. Why not search for other people with a similar job to get some creative ideas for your headline?

When it comes to the summary our advice is to keep it ‘bite sized’. Even though you have 2000 characters for this section, making it too long will mean it’s less likely to be read. We consume information in short, sharp bursts, so keep this in mind when writing your summary. Think of it as your elevator pitch and getting it right will really help you to stand out.

Get connected

If you’re new to LinkedIn, you’ll need to get yourself connected. Whilst the LinkedIn algorithm will suggest connections, you need to be proactive too. Think about people you’ve worked with previously, or other business contacts you have. LinkedIn is like a virtual Rolodex (hello 1990!) and building your connections will really pay off not only now, but in the future too. And don’t worry – you don’t have to post on LinkedIn to be noticed. Your LinkedIn profile – as long as complete – will be enough to be found by the right people. There are also companies you can follow, sector groups and recruiters. Find us here.

Recommendations on your LinkedIn profile

This really is a top tip. Recommendations on your profile will help you stand out. Think of them as your own Google reviews. As previous managers and colleagues to leave a recommendation for you. A recommendation helps support your headline and summary. Not only are YOU saying that you are good at what you do, others are confirming this with their recommendations.


So now that you know how to get the best from your LinkedIn profile, why not send us a connection request. Follow us on LinkedIn and be the first to know about new opportunities within engineering and manufacturing.

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