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Hiring Managers Reveal the Benefits of Working with a Recruitment Agency

We asked hiring managers to share their thoughts on the benefits they experienced when working with a recruitment agency.

We are experiencing a skills crisis. The right candidate is harder to find than ever before. Recruiting takes longer than ever.  And, you’ve got better things to do!  You’ve got a business to run and during these testing times, that’s possibly not as straightforward as it has been.

Whilst finding a recruitment agency will help you save time, that’s not all!

Here’s the top 3 benefits of using a recruitment agency –

Access to the very best candidates, not just the best on the market!

Partnering with a specialist recruiter is the best way to access the very best candidates.  Applications for jobs are falling and this can mean that you’re not always able to hire the best person for the job.  But wouldn’t you rather increase your chances of hiring your perfect candidate?

When we are recruiting for our clients, we don’t just rely on job adverts.  In fact, sometimes this is the least successful way of identifying exceptional candidates.  Some of the strongest candidates don’t apply for jobs online.  There are candidates who will register with a reputable agency and leave them to find the most suitable role.  This means that we may have people who are perfect for your job, but are not available on the open market.

There’s also some great people who are currently employed.  They may not be thinking of making a move.  But wouldn’t you like to see if they are tempted by the prospect of your job?  Working with PSi means that this is a reality.

Hiring managers tell us that using an expert in their sector means that they can be confident of accessing the very best skills in the market.

recruitment partner benefits

Access to specialist recruitment expertise

Not only do we know your market, we are experts at recruitment.  But what does that mean for hiring managers?

For most businesses, interviewing is something you do only sometimes.  It can be an alien situation and how do you make sure you are asking the right questions?  On top of that, how do you shortlist?  What do you base your decision on?  We are experts at interviewing candidates across all specialisms.  We do it every day!

We take time to understand your requirements. But, we also take time with our candidates to understand their requirements too! This means that you get a great match.  Not just in skills and experience, but in culture fit too.


Shorten your time to hire with a recruitment agency

Without a recruitment agencies support, just advertising and shortlisting can take weeks!  And this is all before preparing for and conducting interview.  Hiring managers tell us that an agency makes the process much quicker, allowing you to carry on with the day job whilst they get to work on creating a shortlist for you.

By working with PSi, you won’t receive 100’s of applications.  We save you time by providing a shortlist of suitable candidates who are just what you are looking for.  Each candidate comes to you with a consultant profile to show why they have been selected and feedback from their pre-screen with us.  All you have to do is tell us who you would like to interview and we will get everything arranged.  We can even attend the interviews with you if necessary.  This whole process can take as little as a few days.

If you are looking to find a recruitment agency who are experts in their field and can help save you time and money, then get in touch with one of our amazing consultants today!

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